Mobile-friendly site: your secret weapon to getting more customers

I get it! Everyone talks about how important having a mobile-friendly site is.
We know we should be doing it but just never seem to have the time.
And for good reason... It takes a lot of effort!!
With 100 other things to think about in your business, you’ll have to prioritise.
For certain types of business, having a mobile-friendly site is a deal breaker. For others, it's still important but you can get by fine without it.
Let’s find which one you are below.
Should you prioritise having a mobile-friendly site?
Your priority for a mobile friendly site will depend on:
- What industry you’re in - an e-commerce site will have more potential mobile traffic than a SaaS business
- What your users are doing on your site - Are they on your site for quick information or for detailed guides?
- Your current mobile traffic
What industry are you in?
Let’s take a look at the following

From a study from Google, the graph above shows that a significant portion of users are using mobile to find information online.
But the potential for your mobile traffic really depends on what industry you’re in.
Knowing your potential mobile traffic will go a long way in prioritisation.
Feeling stuck or overwhelmed with your design project?
Mobile users are quick to leave unfriendly sites

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Mobile friendly sites mean more customers and longer visits

Graphics made by Pixel True
Feeling stuck or overwhelmed with your design project?
Having a mobile unfriendly website hurts your brand.

What users want to see from a mobile friendly site
If you’ve decided to move forward with making your site mobile-friendly here’s what your visitors will want to see.
From a study conducted by Google, they found that mobile users want mobile friendly sites to be Fast and easy.
This includes:
- Mobile-friendly features like big buttons, simple input boxes, and limited pinching.
- Quick access to business information like directions and contact numbers.
- Any supplementary information or functions needs to be easily digestible, or immediately useful.

Yay you’ve made it to the end!
By now you should understand why having a mobile friendly site is a secret weapon to getting more customers.
How you prioritise this task depends on many factors incl
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What % of your traffic is mobile currently?
It’s also important to take a look at how many new users you're getting to your site. This can be done using Google Analytics.
Take a look at the traffic distribution for Pixel True.
Roughly 15% of my traffic is from mobile. Out of 100 users, 15 of those are potential customers!

How important having a mobile friendly site will depend on your answers to the above points:
- What industry you're in - an e-commerce business must have a mobile friendly site as most of their users and future users will be from mobile.
- What % of users are coming from mobile devices - you can use google analytics to find this.
N.B. Having a mobile-friendly site is important for all businesses, the above information is to help you prioritise when you should start making your site mobile-friendly.
Why having a mobile friendly site is important
Now that we’ve established your priority for a mobile friendly site, let’s look into why having a mobile friendly site is important with 4 key findings from Google.
Mobile users will leave mobile-unfriendly websites - more customers for your competitors!

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